Welcome to Orchard Bible Fellowship's weekly bulletin
Congregational Meeting: Next Sunday, Feb. 23rd following our morning service.
Women's Gathering: Continental breakfast Saturday, March 1, 9:00am - 10:30am. Come encourage each other. You are welcome to invite friends, daughters, moms, aunts etc. Our guest speaker is our very own Amanda Horiuchi and music with Sharon Hart. Childcare provided upon request by contacting Shirley Esau
Help support Young Life kids to camp. You can purchase a pulled pork sandwich meal for $15 each for Sunday February 23rd from 11:00-1:30. Click HERE to order your meals. The deadline to order is Feb. 19.
Volunteers Needed for T-Ball Season!
We need you for T-Ball season. Opportunities include:
• Trash Can Management: Setting up and taking down trash cans before and after games. Sign up for one or both jobs!
• Greeters: Welcoming attendees and representing our church community.
• Snack Bar Assistance: Manage the snack bar during games.
If you’re willing to help in any capacity, please sign up in the foyer. Valerie will then reach out to discuss how you can contribute.
Additionally, we have a list of items needed to stock the snack bar and are seeking donut donations. Sign-up sheets for these are also available in the foyer.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Nursery Volunteers Needed!
We have a wonderful group of teenagers helping in the nursery (ages 0-4), but we could use more adult volunteers to join the team! This is a once-a-month commitment and your help would be such a blessing. If you’re available, please see Valerie for more details!
Progressive Dinner Sign-Ups Are Here!
Join us for our third annual Progressive Dinner on March 22! Sign up in the foyer to participate and if you’re interested in hosting, be sure to mark that on the sheet.
For questions, see Amanda, Becca or Valerie. We cannot wait for a great night of food and fellowship!
Upcoming Events...
Feb. 23 Congregational Meeting following morning service
Mar. 1 @9:00 Women's Gathering
Mar. 8 Leif Rugaard's Memorial Service
Mar. 15 @8:30 T-Ball Opening Ceremony
Mar. 22 Progressive Dinner
May 10 T-Ball EndsWeekly Events...
Sundays: 10am - Sunday morning service
Tuesdays: 5:30am - Men’s Bible Study with Jay Kliewer at Kady’s
Wednesdays 6:30pm - Women's bible study in conference room (Jan 22)
Wednesdays: 6:30pm - Men's Bible Study room 1
Thursdays: 5:30am - Elders meeting
Thursdays: 9:30pm - Women's bible study room 1 (Jan 23)
Thursdays: 11:00am "Piece-Makers" sewing class room 5
Fridays: 5:30am - Men’s Bible Study with Larry Esau at Kady’s
Order of Service
- 9:45 Nursery open (Rm. 10/11 ages birth-4 yrs.)
- 10:00 Call to Worship
- Greeting / Announcements / Pastoral Prayer
- Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2: 12, 18-25
- Worship
- Message: John 12: 44-50 (pastor Malcolm)
- Worship
- Join us in the fellowship hall for refreshments